Daniel Robert Klug


Daniel Klug Obituary

Daniel Robert Klug, 73, of Hartford went to be with his Lord and Savior on Friday, May 31, 2024.

A celebration of his life will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 15, at Hope Evangelical Church, 515 Hopkins Court, Hartford. Burial will be in Keeler Cemetery in Keeler Township, Mich., and will occur at a later date. Visitation will be held prior to the service at 10 a.m. at Hope. Memorial contributions may be made to Hope Lutheran Church or the Hartford Foundation.

Daniel was born on Oct. 7, 1950, in Benton Harbor, to Robert and Elsie (Wiatrowsky) Klug. He married Margaret “Margo” Reynolds on June 23, 1973. Daniel was well known and highly respected as a farmer for over 50 years. He and Margo owned Big Dan’s U-Pick’em and Farm Market. He also drove a bus for Hartford Public Schools for 20 years.

Daniel is survived by his wife of 50 years, Margo and their children: Dennis (Rae) Klug, Douglas Klug, Kevin Klug, and Sarah (Eric) Nyhof. He was a proud grandpa to Nick, Gretchen, Eli, Lenore, and Arlo. He is also survived by his siblings: Linda (Craig) Voorman of Fort Myers, Fla., Karen (John) Barnes of Fort Myers, John (Audrey) Klug of South Lyon, Mich., and Susan (Brad) Harding of Mishawaka, Ind., along with many cousins, nieces and nephews and their families. Daniel was preceded in death by his parents, Margo’s parents; and grandparents.

Big Dan loved his faith, family, farming, and friends. Please join us in celebrating the community he loved dearly. Those wishing to share a memory or sign the memory book online may do so at http://www.calvin-leonardfh.com.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Calvin Funeral Home, Hartford.

June 15, 2024
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
205 Bennett Avenue
Hartford, MI 49057

June 15, 2024
11:00 AM
Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
205 Bennett Avenue
Hartford, MI 49057

Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
205 Bennett Avenue, Hartford MI 49057
Web: http://www.hopelutheranhartford.com/

Hartford Public Schools Foundation for Quality Education
P.O. Box 403, Hartford MI 49057
Web: http://www.hartfordfoundationgives.org/